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Heroes Of Mavia is the upcoming P2E game that will revolutionize the mobile market!

Heroes of Mavia is an upcoming play-to-earn (P2E) game to be released in 2022. P2E is currently a trend in the gaming industry and is likely to become even more significant this year.

So why is everyone talking about P2E now? To answer this question, we need to look at the mobile video game market and its problems. Just for this, games like Heroes Of Mavia and Clash of Clans are ideal. They have identical gameplay, but fundamentally differ in the capabilities they provide.

As for the mobile market of Free to Play games, everyone knows such problems as balance and endless donations. Free games bring developers several times more money than paid ones. But why pay when the trends are knocked out by games that allow you not only to enjoy the process of the game, but also from the opportunity to earn money.

As for the mobile market of Free to Play games, everyone knows such problems as balance and endless donations. Free games bring developers several times more money than paid ones. But why pay when the trends are knocked out by games that allow you not only to enjoy the process of the game, but also from the opportunity to earn money.

Heroes of Mavia, as mentioned above, will have identical gameplay to Clash of Clans. At one time, Clash of Clans became the most popular game, corporate identity and the perfect balance between attacking and defending side. It was the balance of power that became the decisive factor, allowing players to carefully plan and calculate each action, since they will not only have to defend their village from the attacks of other users, but also attack them themselves.

But after a while, as in any Free-to-play game on a mobile device, the players had to meet with donations. And if at first, it did not particularly affect the gameplay, then after a while, the user who devoted a lot of time to the game but without investments could not resist the player who invested money in the game. Such a system, as a result, completely killed the competitive aspect of the game and only allowed a certain number of players to measure the amount of money in their wallet.

Over the past few years, Clash of Clans' ratings have started to drop heavily due to the current situation with the game. But it still hasn’t lost much of its audience, since there simply were no other better analogues.

But in 2021, during the growing popularity of NFT and Play-2-Earn games, the loud announcement of the Heroes of Mavia game thundered. Unlike CoC, players will be able to make money in the game, and not just pay money to greedy companies for microtransactions. While the gameplay will remain the same, players will develop their bases, improve armies and skills to defend against opponents.

Heroes of Mavia also adopted the main idea of its competitor, namely an equal balance between users. Players will be matched against other players of roughly the same skill level.

Since Heroes of Mavia is a strategy game, of course, the main task of the players will be to build their base and attack troops. But the game does not end there, to improve the base, you will have to improve the NFT heroes, use traps, increase the strength of the walls, build ground and air troops, level up the headquarters, strengthen defensive structures and units, and so on.

The game will use three main resources: gold, oil and Ruby. As for the Play-to-Earn aspect, the HoM developers drew inspiration from the highly successful Axie Infinity game. In the game, the Ruby currency will act as a token, which is similar in nature to Smooth Love Potion from Axie. Ruby can be earned in the game and withdrawn to fiat or other cryptocurrencies.

Also, they will be used in the game to improve NFTs, speed up waiting times, buy upgrades for heroes, statues and levels, or even buy gold and oil.

For F2P players, Ruby can be obtained by defeating the enemy, successfully defending your base, passing various challenges, etc.

The second token is named Mavia. It will be used to buy and sell NFTs or to place bets. It won't be in the game itself. In this regard, it is similar to AXS from Axie.

According to the company's Roadmap, the planned beta release date for the game is expected to be Q3 2022, with a global launch scheduled for the end of 2022.

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