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Промты для дизайна футболок в Midjourney

Промты для дизайна футболок в Midjourney.

An ethnic skull head graphic t shirt, in the style of anton fadeev, moody colors, crisp lines and forms, thomas nast, optical, imaginative characters, realistic

T–shirt design on a plain background

For a graphic design – themed t – shirt, you could create an AI art design featuring a typographic element, such as a sleek and modern sans – serif font. The design could be simple and minimalistic, with a color palette of black and white or a single accent color

Tshirt vector, terminatorgraphic, synthwave, vividcolors, detailed – – s 250 – – q 1

Shirt subliminal design

Create a t – shirt with different geometric panels of contrasting colors and shapes. Play with asymmetry and overlapping patterns for an eye – catching design, Hyper realistic, 4k, cut and sew, mockup

Можете комбинировать промты, использовать их как референс.

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