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Заполнение силуэта объектами в DALL-E 3. Готовые промпты

Привет на связи Ринат Шакиров, автор канала Daily Prompts, где я каждый день делюсь лучшими промптами для Midjourney и ChatGPT.

По сравнению с Midjourney, DALL-E 3 прекрасно понимает сложные инструкции. С помощью этой подсказки можно заполнить один объект несколькими другими объектами.

Шаблон промпта:

Create a minimalist cartoon illustration of a prominent [тема] silhouette with no outline. The shape of the silhouette should be filled entirely with multiple smaller [тема] silhouettes, each one being distinct but simple in design. The entire composition should be in a [цвет] palette. It is important that there is no outline.


1. Кошки

Create a minimalist cartoon illustration of a prominent cat silhouette with no outline. The shape of the silhouette should be filled entirely with multiple smaller cat silhouettes, each one being distinct but simple in design. The entire composition should be in a fall pastel color palette.

2. Девушка

Create a minimalist cartoon illustration of a prominent woman silhouette with no outline. The shape of the silhouette should be filled entirely with multiple love object silhouettes, each one being distinct but simple in design. The entire composition should be in a black and white color palette. It is important that there is no outline.

3. Череп

Create a minimalist cartoon illustration of a prominent skull silhouette with no outline. The shape of the silhouette should be filled entirely with multiple flowers silhouettes, each one being distinct but simple in design. The entire composition should be in a black and white color palette. It is important that there is no outline.

4. Тыква

Create a minimalist cartoon illustration of a prominent pumpkin silhouette with no outline. The shape of the silhouette should be filled entirely with multiple smaller halloween object silhouettes, each one being distinct but simple in design. The entire composition should be in a fall pastel color palette. It is important that there is no outline.

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