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SupraOracles - ответы на задания

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Миссия 1

Вопрос: What kind of data do oracles help smart contracts access on the blockchain?

Ответ: All of the above

Миссия 2

Вопрос: Which of the following is NOT true about Supra compared to other oracles

Ответ: Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles

Миссия 3

Вопрос: Can nodes reverse transaction finality before they’re written on Supra

Ответ: Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized

Миссия 4

Вопрос: What is Supra’s security method that delivers better oracle decentralization, scalability, and performance?

Ответ: Tribes and clans randomization method

Миссия 5

Вопрос: Which NFTs in the metaverse need Supra’s speed, accuracy, and fast finality to change with real world events?

Ответ: Dynamic NFTs

Миссия 6

Вопрос: Which of the following is responsible for keeping DORA secure and consistently blazing fast?

Ответ: All of the above

Миссия 7

Вопрос: What is the Tick-Start protocol of DORA?

Ответ: A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish.

Миссия 8

Вопрос: What is the purpose of agreement distance in DORA?

Ответ: To ensure accuracy in the final result.

Миссия 9

Вопрос: How do Supra’s price feeds make DeFi better?

Ответ: All of the above

Миссия 10

Вопрос: Who does cross-chain interoperability help?

Ответ: All of the above

Миссия 11

Вопрос: What are the three key characteristics of good randomness for Web3?

Ответ: Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable

Миссия 12

Вопрос: How does Supra VRF achieve a decentralized process?

Ответ: By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee

Миссия 13

Вопрос: Which of the following is true about the impact of Supra VRF on Web3 gaming?

Ответ: Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes

Миссия 14

Вопрос: What is the purpose of randomization in DORA?

Ответ: It secures the protocol from manipulation

Миссия 15

Вопрос: How much discount does SNAP offer dApps for the first 6 months?

Ответ: 100% off

Миссия 16

Вопрос: How are the affiliate earnings paid out?

Ответ: Partly in USDC and partly in $SUPRA

Миссия 17

Вопрос: What’s the weakest link in the blockchain world?

Ответ: Bridges between two or more unique blockchains

Миссия 18

Вопрос: What is the primary advantage of Supra’s HyperNova over traditional bridges in cross-chain transactions?

Ответ: It preserves Layer 1 security guarantees through the entire transaction cycle

Миссия 19

Вопрос: How does Supra HyperNova achieve cross-chain interoperability without compromising security?

Ответ: By translating the source chain’s proof into a universally verifiable proof

Миссия 20

Вопрос: How does Supra’s HyperNova benefit multi-chain gaming?

Ответ: It can expand the player pool across different blockchains

Миссия 21

Вопрос: How does the $SUPRA token contribute to network security?

Ответ: Users can lock their tokens to enhance network security and earn rewards

Миссия 22

Вопрос: How does the $SUPRA token extend its utility beyond its native network?

Ответ: By integrating with 40+ different blockchain networks and counting.

Миссия 23

Вопрос: What does tokenomics refer to in the blockchain context?

Ответ: The economic principles underlying the creation and operation of digital tokens

Миссия 24

Вопрос: What is the benefit for Blast Off players in this token sale?

Ответ: They get to skip verification and KYC steps during the public sale

Миссия 25

Вопрос: How does the improved speed and performance of Supra’s Moonshot consensus impact blockchain applications?

Ответ: It enhances the speed, security, and accessibility of blockchain transactions

Миссия 26

Вопрос: Which term best describes Supra's network that integrates multiple infrastructural and interoperability solutions?

Ответ: IntraLayer

Миссия 27

Вопрос: How does the Supra Network manage its node groups’ involvement in different services?

Ответ: Randomly assign and regularly reshuffle nodes in sub-committees

Миссия 28

Вопрос: How is Supra transforming the Web3 landscape for builders?

Ответ: By providing essential services on a decentralized, interoperable network

Миссия 29

Вопрос: Who are the providers in the context of liquidity pools, and what role do they play?

Ответ: Community members providing liquidity in exchange for fees

Миссия 30

Вопрос: Why do we need liquidity pools connected across different networks?

Ответ: To let anyone move freely across blockchains with their assets and tokens

Миссия 31

Вопрос: What core DeFi principle will Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network reinforce?

Ответ: Enabling more widespread decentralization across blockchains

Миссия 32

Вопрос: What risk do liquidity providers face in the current state of isolated DeFi markets?

Ответ: Impermanence loss for liquidity providers

Миссия 33

Вопрос: Why are oracles considered crucial in the context of Oracle Extractable Value?

Ответ: They bring real-world data onto blockchains, triggering events like liquidations

Миссия 34

Вопрос: How does Supra address the challenges posed by Oracle Extractable Value (OEV)?

Ответ: By cutting out oracle latency and predictability with DORA

Миссия 35

Вопрос: What does DFMM stand for, according to the mission?

Ответ: Dynamic Function Market Maker

Миссия 36

Вопрос: What is the key impact of Supra’s DFMM on DeFi?

Ответ: Makes DeFi more user friendly and boost adoption

Миссия 37

Вопрос: How does Supra’s DFMM differ from traditional AMMs?

Ответ: DFMM integrates cross-chain liquidity networks and oracles

Миссия 38

Вопрос: Why does Supra anticipate service fees for protocols like oracle and VRF to decline in the long run?

Ответ: The inevitable trend in tech towards lower fees for services

Миссия 39

Вопрос: How will Supra encourage dApps to access their services?

Ответ: Free access to services by staking in-demand tokens

Миссия 40

Вопрос: What is the core consensus technology that powers the Supra network?

Ответ: Moonshot consensus

Миссия 41

Вопрос: How does Supra's Web3 automation handle cross-chain conditions?

Ответ: With Supra’s natively integrated cross-chain communication via HyperNova.

Миссия 42

Вопрос: What does Supra aim to do with its ultimate super chain?

Ответ: Creating a vertically integrated all-in-one blockchain

Миссия 43

Вопрос: What is the key benefit of Supra’s ultimate super chain for developers?

Ответ: Harmonized stack for building dApps

Миссия 44

Вопрос: How is Supra simplifying the journey for developers, as mentioned in the mission?

Ответ: By providing a unified stack with vertical integration of multiple blockchain services

Миссия 45

Вопрос: What is the role of validators in a Proof of Stake (PoS) network?

Ответ: Confirming transactions

Миссия 46

Вопрос: How does Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity protocol offer dual-rewards for token contributors to the network?

Ответ: It helps them earn both AMM fees and staking rewards with the same capital

Миссия 47

Вопрос: What does "desirable capital" mean in Supra’s PoEL Protocol?

Ответ: Assets that bring resilience against devaluation and are in high demand for trading

Миссия 48

Вопрос: How does Supra’s Proof of Efficient Liquidity (PoEL) Protocol attract the right digital assets to achieve its objectives?

Ответ: By adjusting rewards, interest rates, and collateralization rates based on user activity and asset quality

Миссия 49

Вопрос: What kind of dApps does Supra’s Million Dollar Bitcoin Accelerator support?

Ответ: DeFi dApps built on any Bitcoin Layer-2s

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