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Will AI MidJourney fire photographers?

"Why go to a photographer when AI can draw it in

any style and any plot for free in just 5 seconds?" complains the guy with a stud earring in the barber shop chair left from me.

Let’s determine who usually seeks out the services of photographers?

There are clients who need impressive images for social media. They want to indulge their ego as cheaply as possible. They choose based on price, and their order goes to the photographer who has lowered the price so much that they barely cover their expenses. You can't earn from

such clients and you won't get any enjoyment from the process.

Then there are other clients. They see a photoshoot as a gift to themselves. They enjoy the process. They create an image of their best selves and try it on with the photographer. The cards allow them to see themselves from a different perspective and be inspired by themselves. This is valuable. A photographer who can provide this experience for the client can charge as much as they want.

And what about generative AI? Image generation services will take on the first group and free photographers from the boring and unprofitable work. Photographers who can do more than just hold a camera and press a button will create together with clients who value them and themselves.

Moreover, a transfer of clients, who have become satiated with illusions, from the first group to the second is possible, but not from the second to the first.

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