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Сервис для рассылок Mailchimp стал отключать аккаунты российских пользователей Статьи редакции

Вслед за другими западными сервисами.

Сервис email-рассылок для бизнеса разослал пользователям письма, в которых сообщил, что «будучи частью компании Intuit» больше не сможет поддерживать аккаунты пользователей из России. Если аккаунт был отключен по ошибке, клиент может подать жалобу в ответном письме. Скриншоты письма опубликовали в Twitter и Telegram.

MailChimp отключил нам аккаунт, потому что мы российская компания. Хорошо, что у меня есть адрес в Штатах, я могу зарегистрировать еще один аккаунт уже на US-адрес

Официально Mailchimp не сообщал об отключении аккаунтов. Но материнская компания сервиса, разработчик финансовых программ Intuit опубликовала заявление в поддержку Украины 14 марта.

В частности, компания сообщила, что хотя «не имеет существенного бизнеса в России или Украине с точки зрения выручки и цепочек поставок», она приостановит действие всех учётных записей российских клиентов.

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Андрей Дерюгин

У кого-то получилось вернуть базу? Может ТП отреагировала на просьбу?

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Дмитрий Рыцев

Мне два дня назад дали доступ к аккаунту Mailchimp на 48 часов. Скачал серии писем и контакты.
Недели две назад я написал им о том, что нельзя забирать чужие разработки за годы.

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Андрей Дерюгин

Забавно. Я писал в их ТП 23 марта, так ничего и не произошло. Вы через [email protected] решали вопрос?

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Дмитрий Рыцев

Я попытался написать им на support, но моё письмо попало в спам. Как выяснилось, проблема была в имени почтового ящика, но на тот момент я её не решил и решил воспользоваться их чат-ботом на сайте.
Вот переписка.
BOT: Have a question about Mailchimp? What can I help with?

USER: I have how-to questions.

BOT: I'm Mailchimp Assistant, and I pull answers to commonly asked questions from our most popular Mailchimp support articles 🔍
BOT: Ask a question or select from the following topics to get started 👍

USER: Account management

BOT: I can help with changes to your account. Let's narrow it down a bit first. Ask me a question, or select from the following options:

USER: Account Compliance / Violations

BOT: If you have questions about Compliance or permission, or are seeing a message from our Compliance team in your account, we can help get it sorted. What message or warning are you seeing?
BOT: ❓If you are not sure, try heading to the Account Overview page. Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner of the page and click Account. Scrolling down on this page you can see recent Compliance events and steps to resolve the event.

USER: None of these match my issue

BOT: It looks like you weren’t logged into the account before opening this chat. Our support options are based on your plan type. To access your support options please log into your account and click the question mark Help icon or click the following link:
BOT: https://us1.admin.mailchimp.com/support/
BOT: picture message

USER: I can't access my account

BOT: We can connect you with our Account Recovery team if the steps in this workflow are not successful for getting you logged back in.
BOT: Please click on the following option that best describes the issues you're running into, and answer each question by clicking the option provided:

USER: Unknown error Occurred

BOT: Sometimes issues with the local environment will prevent you from being able to log in. To rule out these issues, try the following steps, attempting to log in after each step:
➡️Clear the browser cache and cookies.
➡️Turn off any keychain password managers and log in directly.
➡️Try a different browser.
BOT: ➡️Try logging in from a different device.
➡️Try logging in with a different internet connection/network.

USER: Still not working

BOT: We are sending your request to Account Recovery so they can help. Please answer the following questions in order to expedite your request. Clicking 'Never mind' will prevent us from sending your request to them.
BOT: Our Account Recovery team does work by email only, but sending this request to them will be the quickest way to regain access to the account.
BOT: What is the issue you’re experiencing when trying to access your account (in your own words)?

USER: I received a message that Mailchimp is no longer supporting accounts based in Russia. My account is now suspended.
The message also stated that if I believe that my account has been disabled in error, you may reply to this email. I was also informed that I will be asked to submit information demonstrating that your Mailchimp account complies with regulatory requirements and/or corporate policies.
The problem is that my reply to this email didn't reach the recipient because of some internal mail setting you've made. Therefore, I am addressing this chat.
I am willing to answer questions and prove that this is a mistaken suspension of the account.

BOT: What is the username you are trying to log in with?

USER: [email protected]

BOT: Did you try all of the previous troubleshooting steps? If no, what did you skip?

USER: It's not a technical problem, it's the manual suspension of the account.

BOT: Would you like to upload a file or screen shot to your support request?

USER: Selected: No

BOT: What's your name?

USER: Dmitri

BOT: What is the best email address to reach you at? For expedited service, our Account Recovery team will need to be in contact with the email address listed as the account owner or an email address verified for use within the account.


SUMMARY: I received a message that Mailchimp is no longer supporting accounts based in Russia. My account is now suspended.

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Дмитрий Рыцев

Их ответ:
Mar 22, 2022, 12:01 PM EDT

Hi Dmitri,

Your Mailchimp account has been disabled due to regulatory requirements and/or corporate policies. As part of the Intuit family of companies, Mailchimp is no longer supporting accounts based in Russia. You will need to find a new vendor. To find out more about Intuit’s position please click here.

If you believe that your Mailchimp account has been disabled in error, please confirm whether you wish to appeal. You may submit information demonstrating that it complies with regulatory requirements and/or corporate policies.

Once we receive your confirmation, a Box.com link will be sent to the ХХХХ address from [email protected]. We’ll also reply back with the link here. Either will be acceptable for uploading your documents securely.

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Дмитрий Рыцев

Мой ответ:
22 марта 2022, 20:14
Yes, of course I would like to make an appeal.

I have the following arguments:

1. A large part of my users are from Ukraine and they have stopped receiving key information from my project, including the information they paid for. Closing my account hits them too.

2. Описал свои страдания.

I would be happy to:

1. To transfer my clients to another vendor, but unfortunately suspending my account does not allow me to take the email series and contact lists I have built up over the years. How can I, if not use your service, at least get my work back to use with another vendor? Please give me access for 24 hours to restore the letters I have been creating for years.

2. Or transfer my account to friends in Ukraine or in the US to comply with regulatory requirements and/or corporate policies.

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Андрей Дерюгин

Спасибо, попробую

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Киселев Игорь

Что-то получилось?

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Андрей Дерюгин

нет. Даша мейл теперь.

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