Oracles in Blockchain Ecosystems are the Driving Force of Change. How will DGEN oracles change the world?

With the development of the Internet as a semantic web, oracles provide integration between blockchain technologies and the global information network, helping to create new opportunities for analyzing and using data.

Oracles in a blockchain are the key elements that allow smart contracts to interact with data from the outside world. These programs transfer information from off-chain (external sources) to on-chain (in the blockchain), ensuring automatic and irreversible execution of smart contracts without the participation of third parties.

Introduction to Oracles and Their Role in Blockchain Ecosystems

Blockchain oracles act as bridges between smart contracts and the real world, providing data that smart contracts cannot obtain on their own due to decentralization and security principles. The execution of smart contracts depends on data received through oracles, be it exchange rates, results of sporting events or other important metrics.

Application of Oracles in Real Life

Oracles are an important element of the blockchain ecosystem, allowing smart contracts to interact with data from the outside world. This opens up new horizons for investing in knowledge and intellectual projects, offering diverse opportunities for different sectors of the economy and industry.

Smart Services

In a world where aspects of your transactions determine your consciousness, emotions become the most important element influencing financial decisions. Oracles provide access to market data, which allows smart contracts to automate and manage various financial products and services.

Derivatives management:

Trade automation: Oracles provide smart contracts with up-to-date asset price data, allowing for automated derivatives trades.

Risk Reduction: Access to real data in real time helps reduce risks associated with price changes and market conditions

Insurance payments: Automation of payments

Oracles can transmit data about the occurrence of insurance events, such as natural disasters or accidents, which allows smart contracts to automatically make payments.

Transparency of processes: The use of oracles ensures transparency of insurance processes and reduces the possibility of fraud.

Credit obligations: Credit management:

Oracles can provide data on credit scores, interest rates and other important financial metrics, which helps smart contracts manage credit obligations.

Payout Automation: Oracles can be used to automatically make loan payments based on certain conditions, such as changes in interest rates.

Logistics and Supply Chain Managemen

In a world where aspects of your transactions determine your consciousness, oracles play a key role in monitoring and automating supply chain processes.

Real-time monitoring of supply conditions: Cargo location:

Oracles can transmit data about the current location of cargo, which allows you to track its movement and condition.

Vehicle health: Vehicle health data such as temperature, humidity and vibrations can be fed to smart contracts to make decisions about continuing or changing the route.

Automation of decision-making processes:

Route optimization: Using data on current road conditions and vehicle conditions allows you to optimize delivery routes.

Inventory management: Oracles can provide data on current inventory in warehouses, allowing automation of replenishment and inventory management processes.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The absence of centralized regulatory authorities allows you to freely interact and enter into transactions. In the IoT context, oracles enable interaction between devices and the blockchain, allowing automation and optimization of smart device management processes.

Interaction between devices and blockchain: Smart Homes: Oracles can transmit data from smart devices to the blockchain, allowing automated control of lighting, heating and other systems in the home.

Industrial IoT: In industry, oracles can be used to transmit data from sensors, allowing automated control of production processes and equipment.

Developing innovative solutions: Smart contracts for device management: Oracles allow you to create smart contracts that automatically manage smart devices based on data received from sensors.

Process optimization: Data collected through oracles can be used to analyze and optimize various processes, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Investment opportunities and use of knowledge credit

Cyber_loan provides a variety of opportunities for investing in knowledge and intellectual projects, which can lead to significant profit and development for the borrower. Here are a few specific onesdirections:

Education and Training: Investing in Education: A borrower can use a cyber_loan to obtain additional education or take advanced training courses, which can lead to expanded skills and increased competitiveness in the job market.

Professional development: The acquired knowledge and competencies can be used to create and sell educational courses, consultancies or develop new products and services.

Developing innovative ideas: Creating new technologies: Investments in research and development can lead to the creation of innovative products or technologies that are in demand in the market.

Testing and scaling: Cyber_credit can be used to test prototypes and scale successful projects.

Scientific Research: Discovery of New Knowledge: Funding scientific research can lead to discoveries that can be commercially successful.

Monetization of intellectual property: The results obtained can be monetized through patenting, licensing or selling rights.

Investing in Startups: Supporting Young Companies: Using a cyber_loan to invest in startups with growth potential can generate high returns.

Obtaining a share in the company: The borrower can become a partner or shareholder of the startup, which will allow him to receive a share of the profits or increase in the value of the company.

Publishing and selling knowledge: Creating educational materials: Publishing books, online courses or consultations based on the knowledge and experience of the borrower can become a source of passive income.

Paid Consultations: Offer paid consultations, webinars or public speaking.

Developing a Personal Brand: Increasing Reputation: Investing in developing a personal brand and online presence can lead to attracting new earning opportunities such as sponsorships, advertising or speaking at conferences.

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🧬 Applications of Oracles in dDigitalgene Cyber Modules

Oracles serve as an interface between the real world and decentralized networks, which makes them indispensable in modern cyberspace, especially in the context of the integration of blockchain technologies and cyberware modules.

1. Implementation of the DGen token in the blockchain

Within the D-Gen module, oracles are used to obtain and integrate data on external economic conditions, such as exchange rates, market indices and financial forecasts. This data is necessary to accurately determine the value of Altero tokens and manage transactions in the metaverse.

The use of oracles in this scenario allows the blockchain system to gain access to up-to-date economic information, which is critical for managing the value of tokens and protecting the interests of users. Oracles ensure data stability and reliability, which minimizes risks associated with currency volatility and market instability. This way, users can confidently operate their digital assets in Web 3.0, knowing that their value is based on up-to-date and accurate data.

2. Production cyberlanding page on the blockchain

Oracles are used to monitor and update information about the intellectual property and status of design resources associated with cyber products and digital assets.

Oracles act as dynamic information nodes that automatically update project milestones and intellectual property status on Production #cyberlanding pages. This allows users to receive up-to-date information in real time, which significantly improves transparency and project management. As a result, this not only reduces the risks associated with delays and inaccuracies, but also increases user confidence in the system, facilitating more effective collaboration and coordination between project participants.

3. Cyber store cybermarketplace

Oracles monitor and analyze price changes for goods and services in real time, automatically adjusting the cost of goods on the platform.

Using oracles in #cybermarketplace allows you to instantly respond to market changes and ensure fair pricing. Oracles continuously collect and process data from various sources, providing smart contracts with accurate information to adjust prices. This minimizes the potential for manipulation and error, ensuring users have access to up-to-date information and promoting fairer and more transparent trading.

4. Cyberbarter crypto exchange cyberexchange

Oracles maintain transparency and accuracy of exchange rates within barter transactions, and also manage digital assets on the platform.

In the #cyberexchange platform, oracles play a key rolerole in maintaining the accuracy of exchange rates and confidence in the transaction process. They provide up-to-date exchange rates data, which is then used to automatically calculate and execute exchanges between users. This significantly reduces the risks associated with human error and manipulation, improving overall security and transparency of operations.

5. Affiliate program cyber_network #cyber_net

Oracles monitor compliance with the terms of affiliate programs and automate the process of distributing rewards.

In affiliate networks, oracles serve as independent observers who verify compliance with the conditions of referral programs and automatically distribute rewards. This ensures objectivity and accuracy in the calculation of rewards, reducing the likelihood of fraud and errors. As a result, partners can be confident in the fairness and fairness of the network structure, which helps build trust and stimulate activity within the system.

🧰 The role of Oracles in dDigitalgene

The industry of the post-industrial world is characterized by a transition from traditional production processes to new forms of economic activity based on information technology, knowledge work and services. In this context, cyber products become not just an addition to traditional goods and services, but also key elements that form the infrastructure of a new type of economy.

Within dDigitalgene cyber products, oracles perform the following functions:

Access to External Datasets: In the post-industrial world, data becomes the main resource, and oracles become a tool that allows this resource to be used most effectively. dDigitalgene oracles connect cyber products to global datasets, providing a constant flow of up-to-date information. This includes data on financial markets, weather conditions, sports results and other events.

Smart Contract Automation: Oracles play a key role in automating smart contracts—contracts that execute automatically when certain conditions occur. In dDigitalgene's cyber products, this can mean instant action in response to real events confirmed by oracles.

Increasing Reliability: In the era of the information society, trust in digital systems and their reliability become critically important. dDigitalgene oracles provide verification and reliability of data coming from external sources, which significantly increases the security and reliability of cyber products.

Smart contracts, which are programmable terms executed on the blockchain, cannot themselves receive data from the outside world due to security and decentralization limitations. Oracles solve this problem by providing external data to smart contracts, allowing them to act on that data.

🛠 The work of blockchain oracles:

User request

The process of working with oracles begins with the user initiating a request. This could be a request to an oracle service through a contract or an API, which starts a chain of actions within the blockchain system.

Query Passing: The execution engine forwards the query to the oracle through the internal communication component, enabling efficient communication between different parts of the system.

Data Retrieval: Oracle requests data from an external source, be it financial data, weather conditions or sports results, and verifies that it is current and accurate.

Sending Data: After receiving data, the oracle sends a signed callback transaction to the execution engine, allowing smart contracts to process the information automatically and reliably.

Cyber oracles in the post-industrial era serve as a link between offline data and blockchain applications, ensuring a reliable flow of information. They enable decentralized finance (DeFi) to make informed decisions and also strengthen trust in the cyber economy by improving predictability and analysis.

💎 Types of Oracles: How Software, Hardware and Human Oracles Change Data and Finance

Software Oracles

Software oracles play a key role in blockchain ecosystems by providing dynamically updated data from digital sources. They integrate this data into the blockchain, which allows smart contracts to make automated decisions based on current events.

Example: In financial applications, software oracles provide market quotes that are critical to managing risk and making informed investment decisions.

Hardware Oracles

Hardware oracles interact with the physical world using smart sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They provide secure data transfer to the blockchain, which allows automation and optimization of processes in industries such as logistics and agriculture.

Example: In logistics, hardware oracles can monitor temperature and humidity as goods are transported, ensuring compliance with storage and delivery conditions.

ChelovEcical Oracles

Human oracles provide expert opinion and analysis of data that may be difficult to process automatically. This allows for context and nuance, providing more accurate information for smart contracts.

Example: In legal or medical applications, human oracles can evaluate complex data, providing additional confidence in its reliability.

Centralized Oracles

Centralized oracles are controlled by a single entity and provide high data transfer rates. Although they are more vulnerable to manipulation, their reliability makes them popular in cases where data sources are highly trusted.

Decentralized Oracles

Decentralized oracles receive data from multiple independent sources, ensuring high reliability and security. They are especially important in decentralized financial systems (DeFi), where trust in data is key.

Incoming and Outgoing Oracles

Incoming oracles transmit data from external sources to the blockchain, and outgoing oracles transmit data from the blockchain to the outside world. They play an important role in ensuring the interaction between smart contracts and real events, allowing the automation of contractual obligations.

Oracle Market Makers

Market maker oracles play a key role in decentralized financial ecosystems (DeFi) by providing liquidity and stability to trading transactions. They manage the trading processes of cybercurrencies and virtual assets using smart contracts, supporting the sustainable development of participants in the digital economy.


Oracles, being an integral element of modern blockchain infrastructure, allow the dDigitalgene platform to implement a wide range of functions, from forecasting and data analysis to automation and management of complex processes. Oracles provide accuracy, transparency and reliability in the operation of cyber-software modules, which makes them key elements for the successful operation and development of the DAO cyber system.

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This address can be used for transactions in the D-Gen system, where each user can create and manage digital assets, exchange them for other cryptocurrencies and make secure transactions in the decentralized Web 3.0 ecosystem.
This address can be used for transactions in the D-Gen system, where each user can create and manage digital assets, exchange them for other cryptocurrencies and make secure transactions in the decentralized Web 3.0 ecosystem.


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Basics of Oracles in dDigitalgene Cyber Modules

• Oracles are the interface between the real world and decentralized


• They play a key role in the integration of blockchain technologies and cyberware


Using Oracles in dDigitalgene Cyber Modules

• Oracles are used to obtain and integrate data about external

economic conditions.

• They ensure data stability and reliability, minimizing risks,

associated with currency volatility.

• Oracles track and analyze changes in prices for goods and services,

automatically adjusting the cost.

• They maintain transparency and accuracy of exchange rates in barter transactions.


• Oracles automate the process of distributing rewards in affiliate


The role of Oracles in the post-industrial world

• Oracles provide access to external data, providing efficiency

resource use.

• They automate smart contracts, increasing reliability and security

cyber products.

The work of blockchain oracles

• Oracles initiate requests through contracts or APIs, starting a chain

actions in the blockchain system.

• They obtain data from external sources and check that it is up to date and


• Oracles send data back to the execution engine, allowing

smart contracts automatically process information.

Types of Oracles

• Software oracles integrate data from digital sources, providing

automated solutions.

• Hardware oracles interact with the physical world, providing

data security.

• Human oracles provide expert opinion and data analysis.

• Centralized oracles provide high data transfer rates, but

more vulnerable to manipulation.

• Decentralized oracles receive data from independent sources,

ensuring reliability and safety.

• Incoming and outgoing oracles provide interaction between

smart contracts and external events.

• Market maker oracles manage the trading processes in DeFi, supporting

stability of trading operations.

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