Пирамида NWA Fund (BCSG): новые фигуранты. Евгений Галиахметов, Дмитрий Даин (Дейн), Евгений Васильев. Связь с DTI Algo
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How to get free Connects in BCSG App?
1. Make sure to enable Developer Options on your Android device.
2. Install the app, starting with the base step. Follow the regular installation process for Android apps.
3. Manual Crack Activation (Optional). In the app's root directory, look for "Manual Crack Activation.bat" or any relevant file for additional activation.
4. Start the app drawer or home screen as you would for any other Android app.
5. Your free connects are located in the app's internal storage directory, usually under %LOCALAPPDATA %\Packages\Android.BCSGAPP_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\SAVES"
6. This gets DO NOT DELETED when FH4 is uninstalled
7. This save app data is not compatible with the BCSG Connect Store version.
8. As the main .exe has been changed to Android.BCS_13.189.111.1_x32 9wekyb3d8bbwe.exe, if you run things like Rivatuner (RTSS) their built in exception list will have ForzaHorizon4.exe listed.
9. To work around this you'll need to add a user exception to not inject it's overlay into the new exe name. Any DLL injection into FH4 is frowned upon from its scanner.
