Case study. Promotion of escort agency in Dubai through Facebook Ads and Google Ads

Case study. Promotion of escort agency in Dubai through Facebook Ads and Google Ads

Project: Escort agency in Dubai.

Initially, the agency's services were placed only on specialized websites, and traffic came only from there.

Client's main request: increase the amount of incoming traffic in 3 directions:

  • Clients. Clients for agency services.
  • Performers. Search for performers of agency services.
  • Managers. Hiring specialists to handle incoming requests.

Progress of work

For the start of the work we chose the direction "clients" and Facebook traffic channel

The main task when working with gray niches is to break through moderation in advertising systems.

By testing hypotheses, moderation was passed.

Specifically for FB it was important to test different creatives and choose a suitable format that would pass moderation.

Already at the start of the monthly spent on this direction was an average of $2500

After we reached more or less stable indicators in the direction of "clients", we took over the other two directions: "performers" and "managers".

What are some of the fakups? For example, Google Ads

In parallel with FB, we also tested an additional traffic channel - Google Ads. We tested in 2 directions:

  • "Clients"
  • "Managers".

First, let's talk about managers. There were no strong difficulties in this direction, but the results were much worse than on FB. Soon we suspended campaigns in Google Ads.

But in the direction of "clients" we not only got so bad results, but also spent a lot of time and effort on preparation and tests.


  • In Google Ads you can not add keys that contain, let's call it, "forbidden". We had to select near-targeted keys that collect relevant traffic.
  • To work it is necessary to use cloaking services to filter traffic. And with the use of php code, which is not seen by Google.
  • There is no possibility of running traffic to telegram and on taplink and analogs (fast constructors of one-page sites) . By the way, which work great with FB.

After several weeks of work and optimizing campaigns, we still failed to get quality traffic from Google Ads in the direction of "customers".


In 3 months of work, we reached the metrics:

Cost per referral ~ $5-10$

Cost of paying client - 100-150$.

Screens from advertising offices, by direction:

As a result, our client got a new source of lead generation for the services of the agency, for the employment of performers and managers.

And what's not unimportant, he got ahead of his competitors, who try to squeeze the maximum out of profile sites and don't consider additional sources of traffic.

Further plans for the project:
- Increase volume in 3 areas
- Launch of Tik Tok ads

⚡ If you need help with promoting your project, we will be glad to help you.

Write to us in telegram at the link below.

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