
Рубрика IT-гороскоп для работяг на 05.07.2024.

#Ruby #Go #Kotlin #C/C++ #ABAP #1C

IT - гороскоп

Рубрика IT-гороскоп для работяг на 20.06.2024.

IT - гороскоп

Рубрика IT-гороскоп для работяг на 19.06.2024. Часть 2
#Ruby #Go #Kotlin #C/C++ #ABAP #1C



Рубрика IT-гороскоп для работяг на 18.06.2024. Часть 2
#Ruby #Go #Kotlin #C/C++ #ABAP #1C


Tic Tac Toe AI with Neural Network

This script does not know the strategies of Tic Tac Toe. After the first launch, the program creates a csv-file containing records of Tic Tac Toe games played out by chance. Then, the Neural Network helps AI to find the optimal moves. Can you beat the Tic-Tac-Toe-AI-with-Neural-Network? Good luck to you! 😜

Dogecoin скоро на Bitupper Explorer

Dogecoin скоро на Bitupper Explorer