# autor: nasingfaund aka Serj Kado
# e-mail: nasingfaund@gmail.com
# e-mail2: nasingfaund@ya.ru
from tkinter import Tk, Menu, Text, END, BOTH, Toplevel, Label
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename, askopenfilename
import subprocess
import os
# main window (wnd) & functons (code block 1)
wnd = Tk()
wnd.title('tkIDE_pre_finish_version: 0.1.0 data:11.01.2023 17.46MSK')
file_path = ''
def set_file_path(path):
global file_path
file_path = path
def open_file(): ### function fo open .py file
path = askopenfilename(filetypes=[('Python Files', '*.py')])
with open(path, 'r') as file: ### open file for read
code = file.read() ### read
edi.delete('1.0', END) ### clear edi window (edi == editor)
edi.insert('1.0', code) ### insert code from file to ede window
set_file_path(path) ### set where our file is
def save_as(): ### function for 'save file as'
if file_path == '': ### if NO file's path ==>> set path
path = asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[('Python Files', '*.py')]) ### set file path
path = file_path ### else use current file path
with open(path, 'w') as file: ### open file im write regime
code = edi.get('1.0', END) ### berem data from begin to end in edi window
file.write(code) ### write data to file
def run(): ### 'run' function for py code
co_res.delete("1.0", "end") ### clear 'co_res' window ('co_res' from 'code result')
co_res.config(fg='white') ### set color text
if file_path == '': ### if code NOT save to file!!! Need to save it first!!!
save_prompt = Toplevel() ### Toplevel window (vsplivaushee okno)
text = Label(save_prompt, text='Please save your code') ### show message in Toplevel window
text.pack() ### pack Toplevel window with main window (wnd)
command = f'python {file_path}' ###create command from file path
###command2 = 'py -3 command'
process = subprocess.Popen(['cmd.exe', '/k', command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) ### run cmd.exe
output = None
error = None
output, error = process.communicate() ### poluchaem values from process (output, error)
co_res.insert(END, os.getcwd()) ### show in window our work directory
co_res.insert(END, '\>')
co_res.insert(END, '\n')
co_res.insert(END, 'output:')
co_res.insert(END, '\n')
co_res.insert(END, output)
co_res.insert(END, '\n')
co_res.insert(END, 'error:')
co_res.insert(END, '\n')
if error == b'':
co_res.config(fg='green') ### normal text color
co_res.insert(END, 'No errors') ### show that text if errors NO!!!
co_res.config(fg='red') ### error text color
co_res.insert(END, error) ### show error text
def exit():
# menu (code block 2)
menu_bar = Menu(wnd) ### create menu bar
file_menu = Menu(menu_bar, tearoff=0)
file_menu.add_command(label='Open', command=open_file)
file_menu.add_command(label='Save', command=save_as)
file_menu.add_command(label='Save As', command=save_as)
file_menu.add_command(label='Run', command=run)
file_menu.add_command(label='Exit', command=exit)
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='File', menu=file_menu)
menu_bar.add_command(label='Run', command=run)
# edi window (code block 3)
edi = Text()
Font_tuple = ("Courier", 12, "normal")
edi.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
# co_res window (code block 4)
co_res = Text(height=12, fg='white')
Font_tuple = ("Courier", 12, "normal")
co_res.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
wnd.mainloop() #### Super Top Command!!!!
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