Благодаря видеоконференцсвязи некоторым удается сохранить продуктивность даже в самоизоляции, когда личное общение ограничено. Поэтому сейчас особенно интересно посмотреть, какие разработки появились в сегменте ВКС за последний год и в каком направлении движется рынок. Много всего, так что поделили на две части.
The global video conferencing industry is expected to gain traction during the coronavirus outbreak. As the enterprises and government organizations are considering video conferencing as an ultimate solution to connect with remote workers, customers, and employees; and, at the same time, it prevents direct contact with the people.
There are several factors that have been driving the market growth since the last decade, such as the increasing focus of companies towards the expansion of their businesses in the global market and in the management of the workforce in various subsidiaries. However, the outbreak of the coronavirus has impacted the video conferencing market positively.