Для тех кто качает TapSwap новый пул.КОДЫ МОЖНО НАЙТИ В КОММЕНТАРИИ ПОД ЭТИМ ПОСТОМ.
1Watch the First Video: 739002
2Watch New Video: 5
3Learn What the Ton is: 548719
4Watch The First Token Video: посмотрите ролик
5Tapswap Education: 030072
6 New in the Crypto World: 739551
7Learn 5 Crypto Terms: 2614907
8Tapswap Education - what the bitcoin is: D57U94
9How Earn Money on CRYPTO: genesis
10Drops And Rises: 27F53K9
115 Ways to Make Money on CRYPTO: encryption
12Memes And Cryptocurrencies: 4D80N74
131Get Started In Crypto: TRIBALISM
148 Warren Buffet Rules: ABENOMICS
15Fake news and real news: G5D73H20
16 1код 3PM71AK03X2 код delisting
17 Learn 10 New Crypto Termsкод: collateral
18 Top 10 crypto.. — L6SE704V81
19 How cryptocurrency.. — fibonacci
20 Watch daily videoкод: F35K90V3
21 liveness
22 L6SE704V81
23код: F35K90V3
24 код: 5J6OL847G7
26 TapSwap Education: Can You Earn 1 Bitcoin Per Day? How Bitcoin Mining Work. Код: 4K7U6E10G7
27 код: tardigrade
28 AMA internal: Launch Dates, Token Conversion, Mining, and Future...
Код F9L34V5A
29 How Elon Musk impact on CryptoКод: unbanked
30 Financial Face-Off: Bitcoin Custody vs Bank Accounts | TapSwap EducationКод: D5784VHPC377
31 7 AI Tools That WILL Make You RICHКод: infinite
32 The Dark Side of Crypto: Top 8 cyberattacks and how to prevent them | TapSwap EducationКод: 5SP670KR66
33 Crypto is not real money! Will cryptocurrency REPLACE fiat money?Код: parachain
34How to make $1 Million as a TEENAGER (30 Money Tips) instamine
35Unlocking the Future: The Power Trio of Blockchain, IoT, and AI! | TapSwap Education D772WQ9Z5
36 USDT vs. USDC: The Ultimate Stablecoin Showdown! | TapSwap Education. Код: 7N008TQ31V
37 Without this knowledge you WILL NOT MAKE MONEY in crypto! Crypto explanation for BEGINNERSКод: WebSocket
38 Crypto Revolution: Pay with Crypto Using Debit Cards | Curious Facts. Код: 0TJN63R97A
39The Best Crypto Portfolio for 2024!Код: unstoppable
1Watch the First Video: 739002
2Watch New Video: 5
3Learn What the Ton is: 548719
4Watch The First Token Video: посмотрите ролик
5Tapswap Education: 030072
6 New in the Crypto World: 739551
7Learn 5 Crypto Terms: 2614907
8Tapswap Education - what the bitcoin is: D57U94
9How Earn Money on CRYPTO: genesis
10Drops And Rises: 27F53K9
115 Ways to Make Money on CRYPTO: encryption
12Memes And Cryptocurrencies: 4D80N74
131Get Started In Crypto: TRIBALISM
148 Warren Buffet Rules: ABENOMICS
15Fake news and real news: G5D73H20
16 1код 3PM71AK03X
2 код delisting
17 Learn 10 New Crypto Terms
код: collateral
18 Top 10 crypto.. — L6SE704V81
19 How cryptocurrency.. — fibonacci
20 Watch daily video
код: F35K90V3
21 liveness
22 L6SE704V81
23код: F35K90V3
24 код: 5J6OL847G7
26 TapSwap Education: Can You Earn 1 Bitcoin Per Day? How Bitcoin Mining Work.
Код: 4K7U6E10G7
27 код: tardigrade
28 AMA internal: Launch Dates, Token Conversion, Mining, and Future...
Код F9L34V5A
29 How Elon Musk impact on Crypto
Код: unbanked
30 Financial Face-Off: Bitcoin Custody vs Bank Accounts | TapSwap Education
Код: D5784VHPC377
31 7 AI Tools That WILL Make You RICH
Код: infinite
32 The Dark Side of Crypto: Top 8 cyberattacks and how to prevent them | TapSwap Education
Код: 5SP670KR66
33 Crypto is not real money! Will cryptocurrency REPLACE fiat money?
Код: parachain
How to make $1 Million as a TEENAGER (30 Money Tips)
35Unlocking the Future: The Power Trio of Blockchain, IoT, and AI! | TapSwap Education
36 USDT vs. USDC: The Ultimate Stablecoin Showdown! | TapSwap Education.
Код: 7N008TQ31V
37 Without this knowledge you WILL NOT MAKE MONEY in crypto! Crypto explanation for BEGINNERS
Код: WebSocket
38 Crypto Revolution: Pay with Crypto Using Debit Cards | Curious Facts.
Код: 0TJN63R97A
39The Best Crypto Portfolio for 2024!
Код: unstoppable