Create a code repository and implement version controlThe structure of a typical project looks like this:– Docs/conf.pyConfiguration Directory– docs/index.rstThis is an index file for documentation, or whatever lives in /. This can be thought of as a landing page that contains childish themes for users to navigate to.– module/__init__.py_init_ is also the first file to be loaded into the module, so you can use it to execute code you want to run every time the module is loaded, or specify submodules to be exported.– module/core.pyconducts basic level classes– tests/core.pyMost projects have tests - store them in the tests directory. This is documented for the benefit of the core Python developers.- LicenseIt's in the root directory and you have to add the license to your project.– Readme.rstIt's in the root directory where you describe your project and what it does.– Requirements.txtIt's not required, but if you use this you put it in the root directory. This Telect.txt file is used to specify which Python packages are required to run the tutorial project you are looking at.– setup.pyThis script at the root allows Distutils to build and distribute the modules needed for the project.
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