Онлайн-школа Refocus с основателями из России рассказала о закрытии из-за финансовых проблем

Стартап предлагал образовательные курсы в Индонезии и на Филиппинах, но столкнулся с просрочками платежей от клиентов и сложностями в привлечении инвестиций.


I am one of the students at Refocus Indonesia.

1. Students pay in installments through partners. However, as far as we know, the partner has already paid 100% to Refocus upfront. So, if students don't pay their installments on time, it won't affect Refocus's finances.

2. Refocus decided to terminate unilaterally, without prior notice to all students. Everything happened suddenly, even all employees were laid off abruptly. Access to student learning groups on Discord disappeared, Access to live chat on Thinkific also disappeared. All students were left scattered. Some students had just registered, had paid in full, and had not had the opportunity to participate in the learning, but Refocus suddenly closed down. If they knew they couldn't survive, why did they still accept new students?

3. If you were in our position, what would you do?

4.They only think about business but don't value students and employees from a human perspective.

5.We are very proficient in text and test materials.
