Rustam Khamzatovich Gelaev [[Elder son of Ruslan Gelayev ✓Khamzat]]] Former head of the special services

Rustam Khamzatovich Gelaev [[Elder son of Ruslan Gelayev ✓Khamzat]]] Former head of the special services

He studied in Egypt with the son of Saddam Hussein with Qusay Hussein, died at the age of 24.

Rustam Gelayev: Killer or Victim?

Rustam Gelayev, the son of the Chechen field commander Ruslan Gelayev, was killed in Syria. This information has recently spread across many resources. The body of the Black Angel's son was found under the ruins of a mosque in Aleppo, destroyed during the counter-terrorist operation of the SAR army. How did Gelayev's son find himself in the thick of the Syrian "Arab spring", what did he do before, and how is this interpreted in the media? Heydar Jemal presented his expert position on this matter to the publication.


Rustam Gelaev was born in 1988 in the Omsk region, in the village of Orlovo. At that time, Ruslan Gelaev, his father, was "taking a sabbat" at the local state farm, where he fell in love with 20 - year - old Larisa, who was in charge of the club and was the daughter of the chairman of the state farm. At first, the parents of the future "Black Angel" were outraged by the choice of their son: the Russian girl was not a virgin and at the age of 20 already had an illegitimate child. But then the numerous relatives of the Gelayevs decided that marriage with the daughter of the chairman of a wealthy Siberian state farm would provide the family with good connections and profitable work. As a result, Ruslan signed with Larisa and settled in the house of his father-in-law, the director of the state farm. And in 1988, a son, Rustam, was born.

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