Apple отключила аккаунт разработчика Epic Games — через него компания хотела запустить свой магазин iOS-приложений в ЕС

Разбирательства между компаниями тянутся с 2020 года.

Глава Apple Тим Кук. Источник фото: <a href=";;psig=AOvVaw3gkPOWEMT7OIxeSHViDLVg&amp;ust=1709835840248000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;opi=89978449&amp;ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCOCX-4Ch4IQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">CNBC</a>
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In the past, Epic has entered into agreements with Apple and then broken them. For example, you testified that Epic Games, Inc. entered into the Developer Program with full understanding of its terms, and then chose to intentionally breach the agreement with Apple.You also testified that Epic deliberately violated Apple’s rules, to make a point and for financial gain. More recently, you have described our DMA compliance plan as “hot garbage,” a “horror show,” and a “devious new instance of Malicious Compliance.” And you have complained about what you called “Junk Fees” and “Apple taxes.”Your colorful criticism of our DMA compliance plan, coupled with Epic’s past practice of intentionally violating contractual provisions with which it disagrees, strongly suggest that Epic Sweden does not intend to follow the rules. Another intentional breach could threaten the integrity of the iOS platform, as well as the security and privacy of users.You have stated that allowing enrollment of Epic Games Sweden in the Developer Program is “a good faith move by Apple.” We invite you to provide us with written assurance that you are also acting in good father, and that Epic Games Sweden will, despite your public actions and rhetoric, honor all of its commitments. In plain, unqualified terms, please tell us why we should trust Epic this time.


Apple нарушает закон ЕС. Какая разница какие буквы они при этом пишут в интернетах? Цель их действий понятна - не делиться бабками с другими. А вот какие словесные интервенции они при этом осуществляют - это значения никакого не имеет.
