Клон Flappy Bird за 5 минут с помощью chatGPT на React JS!

Пишу клон игры Flappy Bird с помощью chatGPT и новейшей текстовой модели o1 на React JS!


Как выбрать подходящий технологический стек для стартапа в 2024 году

Выбор технологического стека — одно из первых и самых важных решений для стартапа. Удачный выбор может ускорить разработку, сэкономить ресурсы и дать возможность масштабироваться. Вот ключевые шаги для правильного выбора:


React 19 уничтожит все фреймворки

React 19 уничтожит все фреймворки

Отказ от create-react-app в ReactJS

Еще во время обучения на курсе Веб-разработки 💸Яндекс Практикум, во время изучения ReactJS нам говорили об удобности использования create-react-app для установки React приложения.

Отказ от create-react-app в ReactJS

Аналог Taplink и Linktree на React JS и Chakra UI!

React Custom Hook: useTimeout

React Custom Hook: useTimeout

React Custom Hook: useStorage

React Custom Hook: useStorage

One of the key advantages of this custom hook is its simplicity. You can use it to store any type of data, such as strings, numbers, or even complex objects, with just a few lines of code. Additionally, useStorage handles the serialization and deserialization of data for you, so you don't have to worry about converting values to and from JSON.

React Custom Hook: useStateWithValidation

React Custom Hook: useStateWithValidation

One of the key advantages of this custom hook is its flexibility. You can pass any validation function that suits your specific requirements. Whether it's checking the length of a string, ensuring a numeric value falls within a certain range, or performing more complex validations, useStateWithValidation has got you covered.

React Custom Hook: useStateWithHistory

React Custom Hook: useStateWithHistory
  • Automatic history tracking: useStateWithHistory automatically keeps track of the values you set, allowing you to access the complete history whenever you need it.
  • Efficient memory usage: The hook utilizes a capacity parameter, ensuring that the history doesn't grow indefinitely. You can define the maximum number of historical values to keep, prevent…

React Custom Hook: useScript

React Custom Hook: useScript

One of the significant advantages of useScript is its ability to handle script loading asynchronously. By setting the script's async attribute to true, you ensure that it won't block the rendering of your application. This improves the performance and overall user experience, especially when dealing with larger scripts or slow network connections.

React Custom Hook: useRenderCount

React Custom Hook: useRenderCount

One of the major advantages of using useRenderCount is its simplicity. By abstracting the logic into a reusable hook, you can easily integrate it into any component without cluttering your codebase. Additionally, it provides a clear and concise way to monitor render behavior, which can be crucial for performance optimization and debugging.

React Custom Hook: usePrevious

React Custom Hook: usePrevious

This custom hook can be a game-changer in various scenarios. For instance, you can utilize usePrevious to compare and visualize changes in data, track state transitions, or implement undo/redo functionality. Additionally, it can be valuable in form handling, animations, and any situation where having access to the previous value is crucial for your…
