Avoid these mistakes while preparing for the CAT 2022 Exam

The Common Admission Test, also known as the CAT, is one of the most difficult exams in the country. Candidates must be confident and well prepared for the exam. To be among the top percentile scorers, one must prepare properly and avoid some of the most common mistakes that most candidates make. Here, some of the most common mistakes are mentioned along with tips to avoid them.

  • Not making a study plan

During CAT preparation, students may study for only 1 or 2 hours and only skim the topics. Without a strategy or a study plan, it's like trying to find your way through a maze. The study plan must be created with your strengths and weaknesses in mind. Furthermore, one must consider the weightage assigned to each section of the exam.

Candidates can use a mock exam to assess their level of skill in each section for preliminary self-analysis.

  • Skipping the topics and sections

When first preparing for the CAT, candidates often skip over the fundamentals and jump right into answering the questions.

Some candidates also skip a few of the information topics, primarily from the quantitative ability section, and apply queries only from the topics in which they are knowledgeable.

Neglecting latest the CAT syllabus

Many times, we've noticed that students have only a hazy understanding of the topics that need to be covered. For example, you should be aware that reading comprehension is a significant component of the CAT's Verbal ability section. It is critical that you create a list of topics that fall into different categories, such as (Quantitative Aptitude (QA), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), Verbal Ability, and Reading Comprehension) (VARC). Examine the CAT exam pattern to further your understanding.

  • Not evaluating the mock tests

Most CAT aspirants take mock tests, but some candidates do not evaluate their results.

This is a common mistake made by most candidates who are preparing for the CAT for the first time and lack proper mentor support.

By evaluating the tests, one can simply determine their level of preparedness. When conducting evaluations, it is also necessary to plan any subsequent preparation.

  • failure to set goals

Students who do not set goals waste a lot of time on topics that would otherwise take less time to prepare for. As a result, it is best to set a goal for each day and study accordingly. This is necessary because some topics carry a greater weightage in the exam than others.

  • Low quality mock tests

Most CAT aspirants take mock tests, but some candidates often fail to evaluate the mock test that they are given. In order to make yourself good to crack CAT exam you must have good quality and free CAT mock test

These are the most common mistakes that CAT aspirants make, which reduces the effectiveness of their preparation. It is critical to avoid these blunders while studying in order to have a thorough preparation and the confidence to tackle exam questions with ease.

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