I am not targeting Russian people as such, the same with the sanctions from the west. Everything done is to target the decision makers to pull out from Ukraine and stop shelling cities and killing the so called brothers and sisters.
Is that a way to treat your brothers and sisters? Is that how things are done in Russian families? I seriously doubt it, so I actually think most of the world are more sorry for you Russians, than angry at you.
But we need to stop the war. It is unacceptable for one sovereign country to invade another. If a country wants to be part of an organisation it is their free will.
NATO is NOT expanding. What is happening is that former members of the union with USSR, were not happy to be part of it, and still do not feel safe around you. And I would say your politicians have proven that pretty well by now!
So it is not a surprise that many countries asked to join NATO, and that Ukraine had that wish too.
If the USSR had given the countries the feeling of equality and security and respect, there would be many more that would have continued being closely aligned with the USSR.
It is as simple as human feelings. That is what makes humans decide to go one direction or the other. The point is that the humans within a nation _must_ be able to make that choice for themselves, without risking being invaded, as long as they are peaceful towards their neighbours.
Ukraine have never attacked Russia!
Kim / Components4Developers
I know. I just wanted to make the statement in general to the people here who, I believe, do not understand the situation.
I would much rather have had a peaceful cooperation with both Chinese and Russians and provided good deals, than what his happening with this shit show.
But I can't ignore what has happened, and need to act according to conscience, and hope that more and more people within Russia ask themselves about why things are getting to be illegal. Why medias are being forced to shutdown etc.
In all honesty, only Russia can do something about the problem.
Kim / Components4Developers