Как самому создать SEED фразу?
Как самому создать SEED фразу?

Hello. Recently, several of my friends and I created software for searching seed phrases for Bitcoin wallets. He's pretty fast. And we have already found some non-empty wallets, but we need funds to develop our project and purchase new equipment. Would you like to buy the software? Today's price is $80.
The software works like a miner, but uses few resources.
If you want to buy, here are the wallets
BTC: 3DEjrAcrhgMLeyKmTB2kiv3CpEkhuD2uFG
ETH: 0xf5786075bf06469b382bc4991855C4D9E2b965D2
If you want to transfer in other coins, then write to me.
After the transfer, send your address. We will check the translation and send the software. Thank you..
