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Лучшие ChatGPT Prompts для лидогенерации и B2B продаж

Релевантная персонализация писем это мастхэв в 2024 году, если вы делаете холодные рассылки. Читая ваше письмо, потенциальный клиент видит что вы:

  • Исследовали его компанию
  • Понимаете чем он занимается и какую проблему решает
  • Можете показать, как вы поможете ему решить проблему

Ниже я расскажу о самых удачных промптах, которые повысили в 2 раза конверсии в ответ. С помощью персонализации писем у нас получилось забронировать сотни звонков для наших клиентов.

1. Summarize a company's mission

Используем, чтобы коротко резюмировать чем занимается компания лида и продолжить предложение - I was on your site and it looks like you help {output}. Например, I was on your site and it looks like you help interior design firms install beatiful LED lighting.

Обычно продавцы, руками заходят на сайт, читают описание компании и делают саммари. Мы же автоматизируем этот процесс через Clay, используя этот промпт:

Using the input, summarize the company mission in one sentence. This is the input: “{{Company Description}}”. Keep the output under 12 words and use keywords from the input. Complete each output with my prefix. This is my prefix: “I was on your site and it looks like you help”

2. Summarize a Person's LinkedIn Profile

Резюмируем данные лида из его Linkedin профиля. Если делаем в Clay, то лучше использовать GPT 3.5, так как может быть слишком много текста.

Using the input, summarize the LinkedIn profile in a couple of sentences. The input I will give you is in JSON format. Here is the input: “{{Input a whole LinkedIn profile}}”. Summarize the profile for me and look out for specific parts about their profile. Besides giving me a general summary, also tell me:

Has the person held their current role multiple times or is the first time they are in this seniority?

What is their current role's focus?

Do they move jobs often?

For all of this data look at their LinkedIn profile and think methodically before answering. Summarize the output in 4-6 sentences focusing on what I want to know about them.

3. Change Messaging Depending on a Person's Role

Если вы продаете свой продукт/сервис по разному для разных должностей, то эти промпты для вас. Например CEO вы хотите предложить сэкономить деньги на маркетинг, а для маркетолога - удобный интерфейс.

В первом промпте мы узнаем что важно для лида, занимающего конкретную должность:

Using the input, write out 2-3 problems a person is responsible for solving in their role. This is the input: “{{Job Title}}”. Be specific about the particular problems a person in this role faces that a person in a more generalized role would not face. Keep the output to 2-4 sentences and be very specific about the problems they face.

The output is going to give you a summary of what each particular title would be facing as a problem. We then take that summary and write problem based messaging to everyone.

Во втором, мы создаем предложение, которое можно использовать в холодном письме:

The output we are going to create is a sentence that casually communicates a value proposition given the problems a person faces in their role. The input I'm going to give you is the problems and responsibilities of the role.

This is the input: “{{Summary from last AI prompt}}”. Considering these problems and responsibilities, pick out what problem my company solves that would resonate most with this person.

These are the problems my company solves: “{{Insert your value propositions}}”.

Complete the output with my prefix. This is my prefix: “When I speak to other {{titles}}, they tell me they see problems like”

4. Summarize a Recent News Event for a Custom First Line

Можно найти либо руками, либо через Clay новости о компании.

Делаем резюме последних новостей о компании лида и создаем персонализированное предложение, ссылающееся на новость:

Using the input, summarize a recent news article in one sentence. This is the input: {{News Article Headline}}”. Keep the output under 12 words and use keywords from the input. Complete each output with my prefix. This is my prefix: “I saw the recent article about”

5. Generate Creative Marketing Ideas for Prospects

С помощью этого промпта мы може сгенерировать идеи дли лида. Например если мы продаем сервис для создания контента, то можем идеи для блога или постов в соц сетях. Все зависит от того, что вы продаете.

Using the input, create three bullet points of creative outbound marketing ideas for a company. The ideas have to be possible with cold email marketing. This is the input: {{company description}}. Analyze who their target audience would be by job title and think of creative ways to market to them. Be specific and give unique advice. Keep each bullet under 15 words and use strategies that use outbound marketing automation.

6. Change Messaging Based on Company Mission & A Recent LinkedIn Post

Ссылаемся на последний пост в Linkedin и миссию компании, чтобы сделать письмо с таким первым абзацем: “Jake - I saw your recent Linkedin post about importance of finding product market fit before fundraising. Further than that, I saw how you’ve been helping founders with go-to-market strategy and MRR growth.”

Prompt 1

Using the input, complete a sentence summarizing what someone's last LinkedIn post was about. This is the input: "{{LinkedIn Post Text}}" Keep the output under 12 words and use specific keywords from the input. Complete each output with my prefix and do not incude quotations or hashtags (#) in the output. This is my prefix: "I saw your recent LinkedIn post about”

Prompt 2

Using the input, complete a sentence summarizing what someone's company does: "Company Description" Keep the output under 12 words and use specific keywords from the input. Complete each output with my prefix and do not include quotations or hashtags (#) in the output. This is my prefix: "Further than that, I saw how you've been helping people”

7. Infer What Job Titles a B2B Company Sells To

Если ваш продукт/сервис помогает с продажами определенным должностям, можно угадать кому ваш лид продает и сослаться на это в сообщении.

Using the input, determine the job titles or type of people that this company sells to. This is the input: “{{Company Description}}”. Keep the output to just a list of 3 types of people. Be specific about who they sell to or what their job title is. Here is an example that has nothing to do with the input, it just is an example of formatting. VPs of Sales, Chief Revenue Officers, and SDR Leaders.

Output who the company in the output most likely sells to. Only name their titles, don't include anything else.

Далее я привожу промпты, которые следует использовать перед запуском холодной рассылки. Они помогут вам правильно коммуницировать ваш оффер и старгетироваться на нужную аудиторию.

8. Value props

С помощью этого промпта можем сгенерировать ценностное предложение (да, звучит кринжово) бизнеса вашего лида.

First, take a broad view of the website's purpose and audience. What key problems does the business aim to solve, and who are its main customers? Once these elements are clearly understood, develop a value proposition that concisely states how the website addresses these specific problems with unique solutions, targeted at helping its main audience achieve their goals. Use the format: 'We solve [identified problem] by providing [unique advantage], to help [target audience] accomplish [their goal].

9. Ideal Customer Profile и Buyer persona

Перед запуском любой холодной рассылки, нам надо определиться с таргетингом и аудиторией. Для этого нам понадобится подробное описании ЛПР и компании.

Первое сообщение в чате:

First, consider the company's perspective based on the given description. Reflect on the company's unique features, products, services, market position, and goals. Think about the type of customers that would highly benefit from what the company offers and why. Consider the company's values and how they align with potential customers.

Input: {company_description}

Второе сообщение:

Now, using the understanding you've developed about the company, generate an Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Persona. Describe the ideal customer in detail, including demographic information, behavioral traits, preferences, needs, challenges, and how the company's offerings align with these aspects. Also, create a persona that represents this ideal customer, giving them a name, background, and a scenario that illustrates their interaction with the company's products or services.

В этом промпте мы получаем генерацию в 2 шага, используя Think Twice фреймворк.

10. Offers for buyers

На основе предыдущих генераций, мы можем создать предложения для лидов, которые мы будем использовать в наших письмах.

Imagine you're crafting a message that resonates deeply with the emotional needs and aspirations of the target audience. Your goal is to generate 5 ideas for email and LinkedIn cold messaging campaigns that not only introduce this company, ICP (Ideal Customer Profile), and buyer persona, but also evoke a sense of connection, trust, and enthusiasm. Consider {company_description}, {ICP_description}, {buyer_persona_description}, and infuse your ideas with empathy and understanding towards the audience’s challenges and desires.

Итак с помощью этих промптом можно круто персонализировать ваши рассылки и увеличить конверсию в ответ. Пользуйтесь на здоровье, а также подписывайтесь на наш канал в ТГ

Там еще больше полезных гайдов о B2B продажах и лидгене

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