Как я пережила свой самый большой карьерный переход

Спустя год после ухода с должности главного специалиста по принятию решений в Google

Как я пережила свой самый большой карьерный переход

Cassie Kozyrkov is Google’s former Chief Decision Scientist and a sought-after AI advisor, working with senior leaders at places like Lenovo, NASA, and Gucci. She is currently CEO of Data Scientific and is known for founding the field of Decision Intelligence.

In almost 10 years at Google, Cassie personally trained over 20,000 Googlers in data-driven decision-making and AI and has helped over 500 projects implement decision intelligence best practices. Before she became Chief Decision Scientist, she served in Google's Office of the CTO as Chief Data Scientist. The rest of her 20 years of experience was split between consulting, data science, lecturing, and academia.

Описание в инфоцыганском стиле.

Главный специалист по принятию решений? :)