Как достичь успеха: советы от президента Y Combinator

У свежей публикации Сэма Альтмана уже больше 200 тысяч прочтений. Перевод сделан командой FriendZone — психологической игры для продуктивных встреч с новыми людьми.


Потеряли важное послесловие

One of the biggest reasons I'm excited about basic income is the amount of human potential it will unleash by freeing more people to take risks. Until then, if you aren't born lucky, you have to claw your way up for awhile before you can take big swings. If you are born in extreme poverty, then this is super difficult :(

It is obviously an incredible shame and waste that opportunity is so unevenly distributed. But I've witnessed enough people be born with the deck stacked badly against them and go on to incredible success to know it's possible. I am deeply aware of the fact that I personally would not be where I am if I weren't born incredibly lucky.