Менеджеры по продукту, маркетингу и росту: какие специалисты востребованы в американских IT-компаниях?

Автор Telegram-канала Grow Horse Денис Мартынцев и центр по подбору IT-специалистов SymbioWay провели исследование продуктово-маркетинговых вакансий, опубликованных на LinkedIn.


Еще один:

As the Growth Manager for our Software Developers business vertical, you will bring creative energy and drive innovation as you manage high impact initiatives related to growing Toptal’s business. In the position, you will have the ability to quickly identify, prioritize, and execute on opportunities that drive revenue growth. You will develop a coherent marketing strategy, evaluate product improvements, and examine any other areas that help achieve this goal.
You will work with and create buy-in across the entire organization as you lead large budget initiatives. You will help find new areas of demand as your ideas will directly translate into bottom-line impact. This is a strategic role with an analytical foundation where you will create and execute a vision.