Не будет. B1 статус допускает организационные и стратегические решения и действия. Как пример: FAM: b. (U) It can be difficult to distinguish between appropriate B-1 business activities, and activities that constitute skilled or unskilled labor in the United States that are not appropriate on B status.... Т.е. вы можете: 1. “Engage in commercial transactions, which do not involve gainful employment in the United States (such as a merchant who takes orders for goods manufactured abroad);
2. Negotiate contracts;
3. Consult with business associates;
4. Litigate;
5. Participate in scientific, educational, professional, or business conventions, or seminars;
6. Undertake independent research" Но, вы не можете платить себе з/п и вести какую-то деятельность если в компании только вы.
А с визой у вас потом проблем не будет? Не думаю, что им понравится, что вы открывали бизнес на туристической визе.
Не будет. B1 статус допускает организационные и стратегические решения и действия. Как пример:
b. (U) It can be difficult to distinguish between appropriate B-1 business activities, and activities that constitute skilled or unskilled labor in the United States that are not appropriate on B status.... Т.е. вы можете:
1. “Engage in commercial transactions, which do not involve gainful employment in the United States (such as a merchant who takes orders for goods manufactured abroad);
2. Negotiate contracts;
3. Consult with business associates;
4. Litigate;
5. Participate in scientific, educational, professional, or business conventions, or seminars;
6. Undertake independent research"
Но, вы не можете платить себе з/п и вести какую-то деятельность если в компании только вы.