#деньги #финансы

77 показов
1010 открытий
🥷🏻 Buying cryptocurrencies: three clicks to complicity in crime?

📚 A brief guide on how to reduce risks when trading with crypto assets.
In modern realities, buying / selling cryptocurrencies is becoming commonplace. With the help of crypto assets, you can safely, anonymously, quickly and very cheaply make cross-border money transfers around the world, namely:
💲 pay (accept payment) for goods and…

4040 показов
1616 открытий
10 пpинципoв cильнoгo челoвекa
10 пpинципoв cильнoгo челoвекa
11 показ
7979 открытий
Составляем план саморазвития
Составляем план саморазвития
11 показ
254254 открытия