1. Не говорить «нет», а дать альтернативу:🚫 No, we won't give you a discount.👌 We will provide a discount for you if you add more items to cart.🚫 No, that's not possible.👌 I appreciate your idea, we may consider it in the future.2. Просить прощения за задержку, возможное недопонимание или дополнительные вопросы:I am sorry for the misunderstanding. Let me clarify the situation for you.I apologize for the error on our part. We will take the necessary steps to correct it.Please accept my apologies for the delay. We will ensure that this does not happen again.3. Благодарить:I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with you.Thank you for your attention to detail on this project.I appreciate your willingness to help.4. Использовать вежливые формы обращений, вопросов и вводных словосочетаний:Could you please let me know the deadline for the report?May I ask if you have any updates on the project?Would it be okay if we discussed this matter in more detail during our next meeting?#бизнесинглиш