Stefan Smiljkovic

с 2023
1 подписчик
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Moonly weekly progress update #69 - Karamendos WL Flow is in production

Karamendos Wl Flow is finally in production. Now we can start doing collaborations with other projects and slowly start building a name and popularity.

Moonly weekly progress update #68 - Wallet checker improvements

Moonly's wallet checker has experienced many changes to improve user experience and functionality, thanks to the revamped UI that simplifies the selection process.

Moonly weekly progress update #67 - Staking V2

Moonly’s Staking as a Service Version 2 is a game-changer in the NFT world, bringing a wave of exciting innovations and user benefits.

Moonly weekly progress update #66 - Upgraded Raffle Feature and Twitter Space Giveaway

How are you guys? 👋 Hope you are having a great day!

Automate Form Submission: ChatGPT-Powered Bot with Google Sheet Integration via Automatio 🤖

What is up, Automators?!

Moonly weekly progress update #65 - Karamendos WL Flow

I was also working with Automatio, our father project that funded Moonly pre-mint and even now. Keep in mind that since Moonly doesn’t produce any revenue for a long time (except royalties that ended up last year for us), Automatio is the project that funds us now. And a bit of money from our pockets.

Automatio + SpreadSheet + ChatGPT = 👌

What is up, Automators!?

Moonly weekly progress update #64 - Announcement Catcher and Staking V2

Summer is always slow for business for both the NFT ecosystem and regular business, so I decided to take a break from Discord and Twitter for a while. However, I still needed to be present in our development server, with a core team. I know, it looked pretty dead here, especially when the founder is not active, but sometimes just get lost, and let …

Moonly weekly progress update #63 - Holder Verification Bot V2

Holder Verification Bot version 2 is in production finally!

Moonly weekly progress update #62 - Raffle Feature and Twitter Space Giveaway

Everyone is working hard like little hard-working gnomes trying to finish the new features.

Moonly weekly progress update #61 - Automatio FAQ/2

Where is the extracted data stored?

Moonly weekly progress update #60 - Automatio FAQ

Why was Automatio created?
Automatio was created to solve some of the problems its creator, Stefan Smiljkovic, faced when coding. The aim of Automatio was to streamline and automate repetitive coding tasks in order to save time and facilitate the completion of other tasks whilst eliminating the need to endure the process of hiring developers to carr…