Moonly weekly progress update #35

Hello amazing people, I hope everyone feels great!

Portfolio Tracker, Staking as a service, and Discord bot are one week closer to achieving our goal. We are happy that people will really gain a lot from these new features!

Weekly devs progress:

  • Researched how we can display discord relink message
  • Made DB changes and implemented functionality for this feature
  • Fixed some design issues on the profile and login page
  • Investigated role issue on the Discord bot
  • Fixed discord-bot deployment issues
  • Deployed mints scraper on RPC server
  • Investigated an issue about contradictory rule setup
  • Tested and deployed the latest changes on the Discord bot (HVB)
  • Checked the progress of scraping, did minor fixes

Staking (Locking):

Portfolio Tracker:

  • Relinked transactions to tokens
  • Removed transactions that cannot be tied to tokens
  • Deployed changes on the RPC server
  • Investigated and fixed PT’s different holding value issue
  • Fixed Token Tracker Postgres deadlock issue
  • Started implementing simple workers for scraping mints

Upcoming NFT projects to mint:

Minted projects worth mentioning:

Check out our latest blog post: Binance to Suspend All USD Transfers this Week

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