At first glance, the ideas presented by the eminent professor C.B. Savelyev in his works does not cause rejection. Yes, people are all different and everyone has different potential. Some people are better at abstract art, some write amazing science fiction novels, and others are attracted to a strict sequence of functions. But, the professor goes further and suggests sorting people into grades I, II, III and marriage by studying their brains! That is, from birth, homo sapiens is marked as a mediocrity, a genius, a manager, or a typical office plankton. But this is far from true! You can read an article that disproves the popular theory: link to external site/2018/06/12/1890. Everyone, absolutely any person, having made an effort and received appropriate training and basic knowledge, is able to grow above himself, make a discovery, become an amazing artist, politician, performer, mathematician! And even age or quality of schooling is not important here! Focus, desire and perseverance are important. The cyber universe #dao_great_tartaria , with the help of algorithm programs on the Ddigitalgene platform, combines and provides all the opportunities to realize your goals, to earn money, to invest your own skills, knowledge and opportunities.