Asya Gann

с 2023

Кладезь полезной информации про изучение английского языка, а также про методику изучения языков в целом.

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2 подписки

Да, он как никто другой умел смеяться над своими ошибками) За самоиронию его можно похвалить, однозначно.


Это удивило меня (застало врасплох) - It took me by surprise
Ночная жизнь совершенно безумна - Nightlife is totally insane
Там было полно народу - It was absolutely packed
Застрять в пробке - Get stuck in traffic
Пробка (затор) - Congestion
Это доставило неудобства - That was a bit of a pain
Сигналить - Sound one’s horns
Загрязнение (окружающей среды) - Pollution
В ясную погоду - On a clear day
Задыхаться от выхлопных газов - Choke on the fumes
Существуют определенные недостатки - It does have its drawbacks
В машине есть кондиционер - The car has air con
Оживленное место - Vibrant place


A: How was your trip?
B: Great. Really amazing. Have you ever been there?
A: No. What’s it like?
B: It’s really wild. It took me by surprise, actually.
A: Yeah?
B: Yeah. I don’t know what I expected, really. I just thought it’d be quieter, but the nightlife is totally insane.
A: Really?
B: Honestly. We went out with these people and ended up in a place at about four in the morning and it was absolutely packed.
A: Yeah?
B: Seriously. You literally couldn’t move. In fact, the whole city was still buzzing. You can still get stuck in traffic at that time of night.
A: Wow!
B: Actually, that was a bit of a pain, the congestion.
A: Really? Is it bad?
B: Unbelievable! You just spend hours and hours in the taxi crawling along with everyone sounding their horns. You’d be quicker walking, really.
A: So did you?
B: No, it’s unbearably humid, so at least the car has air con. Honestly, you walk out of your hotel and it’s like hitting this thick wall of heat. You just die walking in that heat for any length of time.
A: There must be a fair amount of pollution, then.
B: That as well. The smog is incredible. I mean, our hotel was supposed to have this amazing view - and I guess it would be on a clear day - but half the time you can hardly see a thing. And you nearly choke on the fumes when you’re outside.
A: Sounds pretty awful. Are you sure it’s so great?
B: Well, you know, it does have its drawbacks but, as I say, it just has a real buzz - especially downtown with the skyscrapers and the neon lights flashing and the people and the noise. It’s just a really, really vibrant place.


Это удивило меня (застало врасплох) - It took me by surprise
Ночная жизнь совершенно безумна - Nightlife is totally insane
Там было полно народу - It was absolutely packed
Застрять в пробке - Get stuck in traffic
Пробка (затор) - Congestion
Это доставило неудобства - That was a bit of a pain
Сигналить - Sound one’s horns
Загрязнение (окружающей среды) - Pollution
В ясную погоду - On a clear day
Задыхаться от выхлопных газов - Choke on the fumes
Существуют определенные недостатки - It does have its drawbacks
В машине есть кондиционер - The car has air con
Оживленное место - Vibrant place


A: How was your trip?
B: Great. Really amazing. Have you ever been there?
A: No. What’s it like?
B: It’s really wild. It took me by surprise, actually.
A: Yeah?
B: Yeah. I don’t know what I expected, really. I just thought it’d be quieter, but the nightlife is totally insane.
A: Really?
B: Honestly. We went out with these people and ended up in a place at about four in the morning and it was absolutely packed.
A: Yeah?
B: Seriously. You literally couldn’t move. In fact, the whole city was still buzzing. You can still get stuck in traffic at that time of night.
A: Wow!
B: Actually, that was a bit of a pain, the congestion.
A: Really? Is it bad?
B: Unbelievable! You just spend hours and hours in the taxi crawling along with everyone sounding their horns. You’d be quicker walking, really.
A: So did you?
B: No, it’s unbearably humid, so at least the car has air con. Honestly, you walk out of your hotel and it’s like hitting this thick wall of heat. You just die walking in that heat for any length of time.
A: There must be a fair amount of pollution, then.
B: That as well. The smog is incredible. I mean, our hotel was supposed to have this amazing view - and I guess it would be on a clear day - but half the time you can hardly see a thing. And you nearly choke on the fumes when you’re outside.
A: Sounds pretty awful. Are you sure it’s so great?
B: Well, you know, it does have its drawbacks but, as I say, it just has a real buzz - especially downtown with the skyscrapers and the neon lights flashing and the people and the noise. It’s just a really, really vibrant place.


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