Case. How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

To begin with I should tell that I haven’t matched with the client from “Kitchen Fabric Zetta”, who need a head of sales department. And this is, almost, a whole group of companies with branches in the Russian Federation and operating salons in Moscow.

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

The client came with a recommendation from the previous client, where work with him is described in the article "There is no growth without fuckups". They even have the same company name: Zetta Textile Design Studio. Do not confuse, please 😉

We conduct our communication at work in Telegram messenger & write down all the agreements so that there are no understatements 🙏🏽 between us & everything is clear so now there is an opportunity to share the process of selecting a client with whom you may cooperate if you match (converge in values).

At the same time, I fully agree with the values of the company.

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

And here is the spoiler: we haven’t matched with the client, because I smoke 💨 One of the company's principles is: "We do not cooperate with people who smoke." And this whole story could have turned out differently if this requirement was announced in the first conversation, not in the third, where the representative of the company George actually said that my smoking 🚬 is not an obstacle for the company when working with partner. Which turned out to be a lie, because 30 minutes after our agreements, Grigory sent the following message: "Colleagues, based on the results of our negotiations, I come to the conclusion that it is impossible to work together. I wish you success" (screenshot).

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

But first things first. All proofs are recorded.


Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

I always introduce myself. And if George was interested in finding out who he works with, he could very quickly find out that I smoke by visiting my © Instagram (banned in the Russian Federation)

Also, initially, when I was recommended, the client knew that I smoke. However, there is quite a lot of information about me, and if you want to know your partner, even such information is found in less than a minute.

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

In the process of working, I dive deep and study all the information that the client provides and the one that I find on my own. In the two links about the company that Georgy sent, there is not a single word that "Zetta Kitchen Factory" cooperates only with non-smokers. Here is a link to the first video and the second video from our correspondence. So far, there is no information about smoking… Really high-quality work of all links in the Zetta Group of Companies is shown. Everything is as transparent and beautiful as possible. Respect! You may see that we have understanding and agreement in every conversation and joint communication . As in the first call, and beyond.

In the first minutes of the 2d call you may already see that I smoke. No one has questions about it. Same is in the second part. All processes are underway, and some questions about the contract arise, which we also resolve during the discussion.

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

And here is the very meeting with which the whole story began. The third one, where George finally expressed the value of the Zetta Group that they do work with non-smokers ONLY. I understood that it could have become a problem in our relationship, to which Georgy responded with understanding and a request that, when looking for the Head of the Sales Department, we should not smoke at the meetings.

I agreed to these terms. But no such luck, it was far from it. Without any explanations, George merges into correspondence and disappears, blocking me in every social network.

This was the last message from George in a joint chat. He removed himself. Then he deleted all the messages and blocked me in Telegram

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

Then on WhatsApp…

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

And the cherry 🍒 on the top… blocked me in WhatsApp Business

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

How quickly the values of the Zetta Group from George disappeared

Case.  How smoking influenced the choice of the customer

We can go on and on about who is right or who is wrong. Anyone can share his own opinion in a comment below the article. I will gladly answer them. This is just a story about how one person lost his "quality" in a super company with human values. One person is not the whole company, and even more so — not a group of companies.

Having read up to this point you have become quite familiar with "Zetta Kitchen Factory" and aware of their values so if you are a Head of Sales, — IMPORTANT: You must be strictly a non-smoker! You will enjoy working for this company There are enough points of growth and all employees do not smoke 🚭

All job offers in Zetta are here.

P.S. George, thank you for not compromising your principles about cooperation with anyone who smokes.

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